Whole school

Zones of Regulation Bundle
PowerPoint Presentation for teaching about the zones
Different display resources suitable for setting up a zones of regulation station.
Resources suitable for children sharing their zones and prompts for expressing their feelings.

Zones of Regulation Feeling Scale
Print, Cut, Laminate, Hole Punch and thread a bead on to a pipe cleaner. Tie at the back. Children use this to share their zone to help talk about their current emotion.

Fruit and Veg Threading
Cut, laminate and whole punch fruits and vegetables.
Use string to help with fine motor skills
apple, pear, peas, broccoli, carrot, potato, banana, orange

Zones of regulation circle display emotions
Red, blue , yellow and green circular emotion cards perfect for displaying.

Zones of Regulation Body
Zones of regulation body outline 2 resources.
body outline with emotions 4 to a page
body outline with emotions A4
body outline with I am feeling colour and space for children to draw their own emotions

Zones of Regulation Breathing
Box breathing with zones of regulation
Red- Stop
Blue- Rest Area
Yellow- Slow
Green- Go

Year 1 First Day Assessment
Year 1 first day assessment.
Can children write their name?
Write missing letters?
Write their numbers?
Draw a simple picture (my family)
Write about their family
Can children count images?
Use this first assessment to provide children with guided teaching as they settle into their new classroom.

Zones of Regulation: Reading Cards
This resource is a great addition to regulation areas.
“I am feeling…”
“I can…”
Laminate, hole punch and use a binder to hold resource together.

Zones of Regulation: Power Point Presentation
This presentation is a great introduction to Zones of Regulation.
Adaptable for own class needs.

Zones of Regulation: Lanyard
Print and laminate this resource double sided.
This handy resource is great for conversations with children on the go.
One side helps children express their feelings and the other side provided suggested activities to get back to green.